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Assist eligible small businesses

Assist eligible small businesses

Impacted by Drought, Bushfire, Natural Disaster including COVID-19 and Floods to understand their financial position and identify options.

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Identify areas of risk in your business – SB

Identify areas of risk in your business – SB

Small business owners, like any other business are exposed to risks! By managing and planning for Risk, you can reduce the impact of...

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Develop business plan – SB

Develop business plan – SB

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Understand their rights

Understand their rights

We can work with you and help you understand your rights, show you options and work towards desired outcomes.

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Access dispute resolution services

Access dispute resolution services

Your Rural Business Support counsellor can support you and assist you in accessing dispute resolution services.

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Help with negotiations with creditors

Help with negotiations with creditors

If you're feeling overwhelmed by the debt your small business owes, our small business counsellors can assist you with negotiations with your creditors.

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Develop budgets and cash flows

Develop budgets and cash flows

Our Rural Business Support counsellors can help you understand your financial position. Does your small business have a budget and cash flow forecast?

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Understand the benefits

Understand the benefits

Working with a Rural Business Support counsellor, has many benefits.

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Planning, legal, specialist taxation and accounting advice

Planning, legal, specialist taxation and accounting advice

Financial counsellors do not offer legal, taxation or accounting advice. However we can refer you to services that can.

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Implement a plan to improve your viability.

Implement a plan to improve your viability.

Provide clients assistance with access to specialist third-party advice, such as financial.

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Understanding your finances

Understanding your finances

The information produced from your financial statements can assist you in evaluating your current business financial position and if there are any changes required to improve financial strategies.

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Access government assistance

Access government assistance

RFCS offers a range of support and guidance on accessing government assistance.

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Negotiate with creditors and banks

Negotiate with creditors and banks

Debt negotiations can offer a satisfactory solution for you and your creditors, but it is important to consider all your options before deciding whether it is the right option for your business.

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Providing referrals

Providing referrals

Your Rural Financial Counsellor can help you get the right help. Having a vast network of agencies and services providers.

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Cash flow forecasting analysis

Cash flow forecasting analysis

Developing a monthly cash flow budget for the financial year using actual farm production and inputs data, allows for different options and scenarios to be incorporated into each cash flow budget.

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Farm exit planning

Farm exit planning

Developing a plan before a major change occurs can provide stability for the business by helping the business to successfully navigate change.

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Farm debt mediation

Farm debt mediation

Farm Debt Mediation is a structured negotiation process in which the mediator, as a neutral and independent person, assists the parties to communicate effectively with each other and reach agreement on issues.

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Identify areas of risk in your business

Identify areas of risk in your business

By managing and planning for Risk, you can reduce the impact of negative and unexpected events on your farm business.

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Develop business plan

Develop business plan

A business plan is the written vision for your farm and the roadmap or guide on how to get you where you want to go.

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