NEMA and RFCSNR talk flood recovery in Muswellbrook Shire  

NEMA and RFCSNR talk flood recovery in Muswellbrook Shire  

When NEMA Recovery Support Officer Laura Sheed invited our RFC Nasir Khan to join her on a visit to Bearami Creek in Muswellbrook Shire recently, it was a fantastic opportunity to catch up on the progress flood affected clients have made over the last 14 months and to talk about the challenges that still lie ahead for them and the region.

Bearami Creek, a picturesque farming valley in the Upper Hunter, supports producers in the beef and dairy industries, as well as vineyards and pecans has been heavily affected by flooding since 2022 including 3 major flood events.

Nasir has been working alongside Laura and the team from NEMA at the forefront of support efforts, working closely with the community in both their recovery and future preparedness journeys.

Strong relationships, deeper understanding

Aside from a welcome chat, meeting landholders on property like this, adds meaning to the connection we have with our clients. It is also a vital opportunity to see where recovery grants have already been utilised for flood remediation and where work to the heavily damaged catchment is still needed.

Building trust and offering long term one on one support for our critical producers is something Nasir and RFCSNR are proud to bring to the disaster management table across our region

We would like to thank Laura and NEMA for including us in capturing these important conversations and highlighting the voice of primary producers in the national disaster narrative.

If you are a primary producer and would like to explore how Nasir or an RFC in your area could support your disaster recovery or enhance your farm viability CLICK HERE to find our nearest office or
call 1800 344 090.

Picture Credit: National Emergency Management Agency (NEMA) used with permission
